Monday, 5 July 2010


Plenty of young birds are now visiting the feeders and eating me out of house and home.  The Greenfinches don't seem to be as common this year, with far fewer youngsters around.   Of the youngsters that I have seen though, some have had rings fitted to their legs.  I have also spotted several adults with rings.  I am not sure how far a juvenile will travel, but I wouldn't have thought it would be that far, and so I assume someone is ringing in my locality.


  1. Go to the local church Kerry the peelers can tell you who is ringing.

  2. One of my local haunts has a lot of ringed birds there. Apparently they 'ring' them quite regularly.
    Lovely shot of the youngsters.

  3. Kerry,
    I have a ringer up the road from me who rings the garden birds. The furthest Greenfinch 'recovery' was 18 miles away. ( it was a young bird) He's had Goldfinch's recovered in France !

  4. Thanks for the comments everyone. I have managed to locate several local ringers and have been invited to go to some sessions with them. :-)


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I live in North Wales and spend my time caring for animals, walking in the countryside, photographing nature and reading. I hope to share, in photographs and words, some of the beauty that I see. If you enjoy the photographs on this blog then you might like to take a look at my Flickr photostream. View my complete profile for links to both of my blogs.