Sunday, 4 April 2010

Violet is for faithfulness................

Which in me shall abide
Hoping likewise that from your heart 
You will not let it slide
It seems that each year the voilet chooses her time badly to bring forth her blooms from her leaf-strewn abode. The day before the harsh winds and rains enveloped us, the first delicate flowers could be seen gracing the barren-banks of the lanes. They looked so fragile, and yet, amazingly, they withstood such horrendous weather: where the daffodils were burnt and withered by the wind, the violets looked pristine, as though washed and polished ready for the Easter church parade.   As I walk the lanes, everywhere I look along the bankings, there is a scattering of purple petals, looking like confetti left over after a wedding.  Perhaps  this is the time when Nature renews her vows with the Earth. 

The poem is "A Nosegay Always Sweet" by William Hunnis


  1. Kerry, what a beautiful blog you have. I've enjoyed reading through your posts; especially the one about 'your' Buzzard.

  2. Thanks for your comment and visit. :-)

  3. Nice surprise. came here from Bobs link.
    love the narration. must get you linked so I can keep up. especially since you are a fellow North Walian,


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I live in North Wales and spend my time caring for animals, walking in the countryside, photographing nature and reading. I hope to share, in photographs and words, some of the beauty that I see. If you enjoy the photographs on this blog then you might like to take a look at my Flickr photostream. View my complete profile for links to both of my blogs.